These are the resources discussed in Get-it-Done Guy episode 241, “write quickly using full-screen editors and markdown.” Here is a picture of the MOU editor, which shows markdown on the left and a live preview on the right.
Markdown References
- Markdown Quicktags – “a Markdown editor for WordPress”
- Ommwriter– a full-screen editor without distractions.
- Markdownpad – a multimarkdown editor that gives you previews as you type
- Markie - a multimarkdown editor
- Multimarkdown Composer – a multimarkdown editor written by Fletcher Penny, who created multimarkdown
- ia Writer – IA Writer, a full-screen editor that supports a subset of markdown
- Marked – a Markdown previewer
- Mou – a markdown editor for website builders, which shows a side-by-side preview of your markdown