It’s been a fantastic ride from 2007 to 2020. You can search for past Get-it-Done Guy episodes by title here:
Get-it-Done Guy Resources
Here are articles on Get-it-Done Guy Resources
Episode 561: Michael Port, Preparing Persuasive Presentations
Today’s Get-It-Done Guy episode features Michael Port, author of the new book Steal the Show. Michael is CEO and founder of Heroic Public Speaking, where he teaches top speakers to deliver their message in persuasive, powerful ways. In this interview, he shares how to persuade your work group, team, investors, or board when selling your ideas at work.
Buy Michael’s Book
You can find Michael’s book anywhere fine books are found. Of course, I’d be most grateful if you would use my affiliate link to help support my efforts.
Michael Port, Stealing the Show

Episode 555: Recycling
In Episode 555, I mention sources about the origins and usefulness (or lack thereof) of recycling:
- The origins of anti-litter campaigns. Basically a corporate strategy to shift the cost of reusability from the corporate income statement onto the communities. This is called “externalizing costs,” when a company finds a way to shift their costs to someone else (all of us) while keeping the profits.
- Dr. Max Liboiron, director of the Civic Laboratory for Environmental Action Research (CLEAR) in Newfoundland discusses that recycling doesn’t make a difference, if you look at the actual data. The solution isn’t to try to get communities to recycle; the solution is to get producers to stop using plastic. (The same is true for global warming, by the way. Unless the top 100 CO2 emitters decide to stop, no amount of consumer action will change the fundamental trend.)
Episode 545: Free to Focus with Michael Hyatt and Stever Robbins

Today’s Get-It-Done Guy episode features Michael Hyatt, author of the new book Free to Focus. Michael Hyatt is a successful CEO of a major business, entrepreneur, public speaker, and expert in productivity and helping people reach their goals. He joined me on the Get-it-Done Guy to share tips and wisdom from his new book, “Free to Focus.”
Buy Michael’s Book, “Free to Focus”
You can find Michael’s book, “Free to Focus,” anywhere fine books are found. Of course, I’d be most grateful if you would use my affiliate link to help support my efforts.
Michael Hyatt, interviewed by Stever Robbins
Michael Hyatt, Free to Focus interview with Stever Robbins

Time Tracking Resources
Here are the links and resources for Get-it-Done Guy episodes on time tracking:
- Episode 176: How to Deal With a Boss Who Gives You Too Much Work (by tracking your time!)
- Episode 288: Make Better Estimates Through Time Tracking.
- Episode 377: Estimate tracking, along with downloadable estimating resources.
- Time tracking worksheet (PDF version)

Episode 531: Using URL Shorteners
In episode 531 of the Get-it-Done Guy podcast on using URL shorteners I mention a script I wrote back in prehistoric times that implements my own URL shortener in my own web browser.
The code can be downloaded below.
Disclaimer! Use at your own risk! This code was written in the early 2000s using a website builder called Dreamweaver. Most of the code in these files was created by Dreamweaver, 15 years ago, not by me. It may contain deprecated PHP features like get_magic_quotes_gpc
and it’s certainly not up to my personal code and documentation standards as a former software professional. But nevertheless, you might find it useful.
Related Get-It-Done Guy Episode

Episode 491: Social Media and its Addictive Properties
There is more and more evidence that social media addiction is real and produces tangible brain changes. It isn’t just an exaggeration of a preference. Indeed, Facebook co-founder Sean Parker says that Facebook was deliberately engineered to be addictive.
There’s both research and increasing popularization of that research available:
- National Institute of Health – Social media and brain physiology changes
- Psychology Today – Social Media is Harmful to Your Brain and Relationships
- Paste Magazine – On the Mind:: Your Brain on Social Media
- High Times – Is Social Media As Addictive As Cocaine? Because any article on addiction has to refer to at least one website about recreational drug use.
Related Get-It-Done Guy Episodes

Episode 490: Use People for Accountability
Here are some of my episodes on how to achieve great results by working with other people to provide accountability.

Perfectionism Resources
Episode 466: Using Plans to Motivate, from Barking up the Wrong Tree, with Eric Barker
Today’s Get-It-Done Guy episode features Eric Barker, author of the new book Barking Up the Wrong Tree: The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong.. Eric has an incredibly successful blog by the same name in which he applies the latest in scientific research to show his readers how they can improve their lives using scientifically-based principles. He joined me to talk about many different success-related topics.
Eric Barker, Barking up the Wrong Tree
Visit Eric’s Blog
Buy Eric’s Book
You can find Eric’s book anywhere fine books are found. Of course, I’d be most grateful if you would use my affiliate link to help support my efforts.
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