
Join me for a chat with social scientist Dan Ariely to discuss his new book, Misbelief. He’ll help us understand why even smart people find misinformation so seductive. He’ll help us understand how even otherwise rational people can adopt deeply irrational beliefs. Given the problems facing the world today, and the prevalence of accidental and deliberate misinformation, we’re sure to have a lot to talk about.

Dan is a leading behavioral economist and author. He is the James B. Duke Professor at Duke University. His research focuses on how even smart humans behave irrationally. He has written best-selling books including “Predictably Irrational” and “The Honest Truth About Dishonesty.” Ariely has co-founded several initiatives such as BEworks, Timeful, Genie, and Shapa that apply behavioral economics to real-world situations.

Misbelief with Dan Ariely

read time: 1 min